Every Sunday - 9:30 am

207 Williams Street; East Jordan, Michigan 49727


You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You will be encouraged and maybe even challenged. During worship, there is Junior Church for elementary-aged children. A nursery is also available. Following worship, you are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for snacks, coffee, and conversation. Everyone is welcome!


Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We invite you to experience what the gospel means at our Sunday worship service. You can engage with others as much as you want, or remain anonymous if you prefer. We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus. If you would like, please take a moment to fill out a green card located on the back of the pew so that we can get to know you better! Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan!

207 Williams Street, PO Box 341, East Jordan, MI 49727  |  (231) 536-2941
